EJFAT User Meeting
Confab25 will host a daylong EJFAT User Meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2025.
EJFAT is a tool for simplifying, automating, and accelerating how raw data streams are quickly turned into actionable results. EJFAT uses traffic-shaping and load-balancing Field Programmable Gate Arrays that are designed to allow data from multiple types of scientific instruments to be streamed and processed in real time (or near real time) by multiple high-performance computing (HPC) facilities.
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 8:00AM to 5:00PM.
Meeting Audience:
The EJFAT User Meeting is open to all scientists, developers, and users from DOE Basic Energy Sciences and Nuclear Physics programs, and HPC facilities that are currently using EJFAT or that are interested in potential future use.
Meeting Agenda:
A tentative overview of the meeting day is provided below:
8:00 Registration & Networking (Light breakfast provided)
9:00 Introduction to EJFAT and the EJFAT User Group
Getting to know existing users
EJFAT technology
How does EJFAT work?
Where can I use it?
How do I use EJFAT ?
12:00 IRI, ESCC, EJFAT Cross-Team Meetings Working Lunch (Lunch provided)
13:00 EJFAT 3.0. New features
Group discussion: key new features and shaping our development plan for 2025
17:00 Close
A detailed meeting agenda will be provided closer to the meeting.
Advanced registration is required. Registration for EJFAT is through the main Confab25 registration. EJFAT User Meeting attendees are encouraged to attend the full Confab25 meeting, but it is also possible to register only for the Thursday EJFAT User Meeting.
The EJFAT User Meeting is jointly coordinated by ESnet and Jefferson Lab. Contact Yatish Kumar (yak@es.net) and Ilya Baldin (baldin@jlab.org) for more information.
Learn More About EJFAT
Paper: EJ-FAT Joint ESnet JLab FPGA Accelerated Transport Load Balancer, 2022, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.16351
Success Story: Jefferson Lab & ESnet Achieve Coast-to-Coast Feed of Real-Time Physics Data
In April 2024, an EJFAT prototype demonstrated the proof of concept for connecting scientific instruments with remote high-performance computing for rapid data processing. Read about this April 2024 successful EJFAT test between Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, or watch the video below.